Seven Shores Capital Management, a brand name of FAL Invest (FSP 6101) Global Investment Portfolio – An Alternative Investment Opportunity This portfolio offers global investors the opportunity to earn competitive, non-market correlated returns. By scouring the world’s deep investment markets for strategies and structures with heavily favourable risk/return trade-offs, we strive to offer investors robust and accessible solutions that may:…

The portfolio is designed to offer South African investors in annuities and pension funds the opportunity to achieve high exposure to offshore assets such as companies, listed properties and cash.

This collection of Fund of Funds has a proud history of more than a decade of hard work on behalf of investors in especially pension funds and retirement annuity structures.

The FAL BCI Balanced fund is collective investment scheme that satisfies Regulation 28 of the Pension Fund Act.

We have managed pension and provident funds since 2004, on behalf of the trustees of said funds.

Our investment philosophy is to identify established, high quality, proven and profitable local and international companies, and construct well diversified, long term investment portfolios from these.